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Certificate IV in Disability


Nationally Recognised Courses

Course Information

This qualification reflects the role of workers in a range of community settings and clients’ homes, who provide training and support in a manner that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing. Workers promote a person-centred approach, work without direct supervision and may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a small team.

Occupational titles may include but are not limited to:

  • Disability support worker
  • Disability teacher
  • Community support workers
  • Residential care worker
  • Disability carer

A Victorian Police and Working with Children Checks are required within this industry.

Course Mode

The course is self-paced with research, study components and requires an industry placement. Assessment is based on competency; this will involve a combination of assessment methods. These assessments are written assignments, discussion, interviews, workplace projects, role play and practical demonstrations. The various delivery methods have been designed following consultations with industry, learners and other stakeholders.

The learner will have at a minimum fortnightly contact with a qualified trainer.

Venue, Dates & Times

  • Venue: This course is delivered OFF SITE for those working in the industry

  • Information Session: Thursday 12th December at 1pm

  • Start Date:  February 2025

  • Days: Self paced 

  • Times

TOID 20459

Time Frame

Self-paced including 120 hours placement

BTACH Student Services

Please refer to our learners handbook.
Our aim at BTACH is

  • Provide quality training meeting the needs and outcomes of our learners
  • To offer smaller classes
  • To provide the best opportunities for students to interact with the trainer
  • To allow for flexible training and learning
  • To encourage student participation in discussions
  • To provide a safe non-threatening nurturing environment for learning

Total Fees - No More To Pay

Unit CodeUnit CodeUnit NameCore/Elective


Follow established person-centred behaviour




Facilitate ongoing skills development using a
person-centred approach




Facilitate community participation and social




Manage legal and ethical compliance




Provide person-centred services to people
with disability with complex needs




Maintain work health and safety




Work with people with mental health issues




Support people with autism spectrum




Facilitate individual service planning and




Address the needs of people with chronic




The assessment methods include:

  • Observation of simulated workplace tasks and /or work placement
  • Written and oral questioning
  • Projects
  • Role play
  • Case studies
  • Others as deemed appropriate


Bellarine Training and Community Hub will endeavour to find appropriate placement for all students undertaking training, where on the job experience is a requirement of the course.

Employment Skills

This qualification incorporates employability skills; skills that apply across a variety of jobs and life contexts and including:

  • Communication
  • Team work
  • Problem solving
  • Initiative and enterprise
  • Planning and organising
  • Self management
  • Learning

Course Cost

The student tuition fees are indicative only and subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.  Fees may also change in line with Government fees and charges policy.  Fees listed below are inclusive with no hidden costs, and no more to pay.  $100.00 enrolment deposit is required at time of booking to confirm enrolment.  Payment plan options are available for students enrolling in our courses with fortnightly payments required.  Students must meet funding and concession eligibility to claim.  Where students are to attend placement OGNC trainers will organise these placements in consultation with the student.






$ 100

$ 100


$ 200

$ 200


$ 300

$ 4,300

Eligibility for Government Funding

The Victorian Training Guarantee

The Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG) is making vocational education and training more accessible to people who do not hold a post-school qualification, or who want to gain a higher level qualification than they already hold.

This entitlement to a Victorian government subsidised place in recognised national training can be accessed at any time and will continue to be available for training at successively higher levels.

For all enrolments, individuals accessing the Victorian Training Guarantee will only be eligible to commence a maximum of two courses/qualifications at the same Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level in their lifetime. Individuals will also only be eligible to commence a maximum of two accredited courses with the title ‘Course in…’ in their lifetime.

Please contact one of our enrolment team to assess if you are eligible for VTG funding.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

From 1 January 2015, if you are undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation, you will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). You only need to apply once and you keep the USI for your lifetime.

To apply for your USI please click below

Victorian Student Number (VSN)

The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a student identification number that will be assigned by the Department of Education and Training (DET) to all students in government and non-government schools, and students in Vocational Education and Training Providers.

The number, which is unique to each student, will be used as a key identifier on a student’s records, and will remain with the student throughout his or her education, until reaching the age of 25.

The VSN provides DET with the capability to accurately detect patterns of student movement through, and departure from, the Victorian education and training system. It improves the collection and analysis of timely and accurate data about education in Victoria.

Student Testimonials

Dear Mr. Craig Womersley,

I hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my utmost gratitude for your invaluable support throughout the nine months of training that led to my successful completion of the Certificate 4 in Disability. Please allow me to extend my appreciation to the entire team at Bellarine Training and Community Hub INC for their dedication and commitment.

I cannot emphasize enough how instrumental your guidance and encouragement have been in helping me achieve this significant milestone in my career. Your unwavering patience and expertise have not only broadened my knowledge but also shaped my understanding of the disability support field. Your willingness to go the extra mile to ensure that I fully comprehend the subject matter has been truly commendable.

I am personally grateful for the time and effort you dedicated to addressing my questions and concerns, always providing timely feedback and constructive criticism. Your genuine interest in my success has been an inspiration and a constant motivator to work harder and strive for excellence. Most importantly, your empathetic approach has taught me the true essence of caring and supporting individuals with disabilities.

Furthermore, I would like to express my gratitude to the rest of the team at Bellarine Training and Community Hub INC for creating an environment that fosters growth and development. Your collective efforts have contributed to a holistic educational experience, which I will cherish for years to come.

Once again Craig, thank you for your extraordinary commitment, professionalism, and dedication to helping me achieve my goals. I am truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to be mentored by you. I look forward to utilizing the skills and knowledge I have gained to make a positive impact in the lives of those with disabilities.

Warmest regards,